Most of us have heard the story of David versus Goliath. It is a classic story of a person, with God’s help, overcoming great odds and almost certain defeat to win a battle.
Goliath was a giant. He was about 9 feet and 3/4 inches tall. He was wearing armor from head to toe and the staff of his spear was like a weaver’s beam (that would be mighty long) and the spear head weighed about 21 pounds. His shield was so big that someone had to carry the thing.
And then there was David. A young boy that tended sheep. He came to the battle with faith, a sling, and five smooth stones.
When I am bored enough to watch television, I often see the Goliath’s of the insurance arena. It dawned on me, just today, the reason these Goliath’s are beating you across the head with “savings”. There is a reason why insurance has been turned into a commodity.
It takes no skill, no experience, no judgement, and no integrity to quote insurance. The Goliath’s would have you believe as long as you have saved some money, “all is well”. With saving, bundling, combining, etc., the all important discussion about coverage doesn’t even get placed in the back seat, it is thrown out the window.
I think the majority of people have no clue if they are properly covered. Did they save a few dollars by switching companies? Probably. Do they have the limits of insurance they need? Who knows? Are there endorsements needed to fill the exclusionary wording on their policy? Yep. Do they care? Nope.
Goliath would have you believe as long as you can save some money, all is wonderful in life.
Just imagine: you have worked all of your life. Your home is paid for, you kids are married, and you and your spouse are going to sail around the world. Three weeks before your trip, you are involved in an at fault accident. Your Goliath agent saved you some money; however, the claim exceeded your limits of insurance by $750,000.00. Your life savings, your home, and that great retirement trip is subject to be liquidated. Pretty lame, huh?
We don’t know how much experience Goliath had in battle. Goliath was huge, had a lot of shiny and bling, and he was a big talker.
David shows up with experience and life long application of his trade. We know how the story ended.
I encourage you to make informed decisions. Ask important questions. Seek information. Don’t get caught up in the hype of saving at the lack of proper coverage.