Lower Your Home Insurance Cost in 2020

Are you looking for ways to lower your homeowner’s insurance and decrease your insurance spending this year? 


Owning a house in America means having to shoulder the cost of homeowners’ insurance. It is an expense that you can’t escape from. The cost of your home insurance differs based on the location and age of the house. But normally, the cost of homeowners’ insurance premium is $1,200. For low earners, this price can look very expensive. They take comfort in knowing that they’ll be reimbursed in the event that their homes are destroyed by fire or other causes. 


However, there are things you can do to reduce your homeowner insurance premium cost. Let’s talk about some of the methods you can try. 


Purchase coverage from one provider

It will be helpful to have a single provider for your homeowner’s insurance and your auto insurance policies. This isn’t just for efficiency’s sake, it can also reduce the overall price. Some insurance companies offer a bundle coverage wherein the two come together in one policy. Other companies also offer discounts to each policy if you get both from them. You can check with our agents at London Insurance Agency for companies that offer bundles and discounts. 


Reduce flooding risks

Flooding is one of the most common claims in the US. There are things that you can do to reduce your insurance premiums even when your home is located in a flood-risk area. You can elevate your home and utilities or install flood openings. Even when your home isn’t located near the high-risk flood zone, flood insurance will still prove to be helpful in the event of storms and flooding. 


Go for long-term policies 

You may think that you’re saving when you’re going for a 3 or 6 months policy but in reality, these policies cost more. Longer policies are cheaper than shorter ones. It is also cheaper if you pay the policy in full rather than in installments. If you don’t have the means to pay in full at the moment, then you can choose to have your premiums be deducted automatically from your bank. It’s efficient and it saves you from overdue fees. 


Shop and look for options

Don’t settle with the first company that you see or agent you talk to. Open your options and compare notes. Rates may differ from one company to another so make sure that you have more than one quote from various agents. You can also check for your agent or the company’s rating to see if they’re exceptional or not. 


At the end of the day, it is imperative that you understand fully your homeowners’ insurance policy. Having a home is a big investment and you need to protect it at all costs. Take the time to consider your options, research, and talk to professionals. 


Our independent agents at London Insurance Agency and Insurance Service Center represent more than one company. This means having more than one option for your coverage of choice. 


Feel free to talk to one of them and ask your questions!