Entries by kevin@theholler.com

Insuring Your Future: The Integral Role of Insurance in Comprehensive Financial Planning

In the intricate tapestry of personal finance, one crucial thread often woven into the fabric is insurance. Beyond being a safety net for unforeseen circumstances, insurance plays a pivotal role in constructing a comprehensive financial plan. This blog post delves into the relationship between insurance and various facets of financial planning, including retirement planning, estate […]

Professional Liability vs. General Liability Insurance

While both professional liability insurance and general liability insurance are designed to protect businesses from potential financial damages, they cover different types of risks. Professional Liability Insurance Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, is typically purchased by businesses that provide professional services. This type of insurance provides coverage for claims […]

Types of Liability Insurance Businesses Should Consider

Types of Commercial Insurance Policies There are various types of commercial insurance policies available in the market that businesses should consider. These policies provide coverage for different types of risks and liabilities that a business may face. While commercial insurance policies provide coverage for various types of risks and liabilities, it’s important to be aware […]